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Why Support Us?


Impacts of Cancer

Cancer is a severe and widespread disease, causing significant mortality and morbidity globally. It is responsible for around 10 million deaths annually and has a substantial economic burden on society. Cancer affects people of all ages, genders, races, and socioeconomic backgrounds, making it a global health concern. However, investing in cancer research can help develop new and innovative treatments, earlier detection methods, and prevention strategies, leading to a reduction in mortality and morbidity. Raising funds for cancer research can help overcome this problem and improve the quality of life for cancer patients.

Technological Improvments

In 2021, the first mRNA cancer vaccine was approved by the FDA for the treatment of melanoma. This breakthrough in cancer treatment offers a promising new avenue for personalized cancer therapies that can target specific mutations in cancer cells.

New Discoveries

In 2022, researchers used CRISPR-Cas9 to target a gene that is vital for pancreatic cancer cell survival. This breakthrough in gene editing technology allows for precision cancer therapies that can selectively kill cancer cells while sparing healthy ones. 

Come Together As a Community

Coming together as a community makes an impact by raising awareness, funding research programs, supporting patients and families, and promoting collaboration among stakeholders. Their efforts are crucial in the fight against cancer, leading to breakthroughs in treatment and improved patient outcomes.

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